League Two, 38-round, regular season, 22.03.2025 11:00
EFL Trophy
Latest 15
Port Vale
15 | 20 | 1.3 | 10 | 0 | 5 |
matches | goals | per match | wins | draws | losing |
15 | 22 | 1.5 | 6 | 0 | 9 |
matches | goals | per match | wins | draws | losing |
Summary Statistics
15 | Matches | 15 |
67% 10 | Wins | 6 40% |
0 | Draws | 0 |
33% 5 | Losing | 9 60% |
20 | Goals scored | 22 |
15 | Goals conceded | 23 |
1.33 | Goals scored per game | 1.47 |
1.00 | Goals conceded per game | 1.53 |
40% 6 | Clean sheets | 2 13% |
47% 7 | both teams to score | 9 60% |
33% 5 | TU 2.5 | 10 67% |
67% 10 | TO 2.5 | 5 33% |
Summary Statistics
11.15 | Shots | 11.07 |
10.31 | Shots (competitor) | 9.29 |
4.38 | Shots on target | 4.07 |
3.54 | Shots on target (competitor) | 3.50 |
50.83 | Possession | 48.40 |
49.17 | Possession (competitor) | 51.60 |
4.85 | Corner | 4.00 |
4.23 | Corner (competitor) | 4.43 |
7.67 | Fouls | 11.00 |
9.11 | Fouls (competitor) | 9.00 |
2.00 | Offsides | 0 |
0.75 | Offsides (competitor) | 0 |
0.77 | Yellow cards | 1.36 |
1.54 | Yellow cards (competitor) | 1.14 |
0 | Red cards | 0 |
0.08 | Red cards (competitor) | 0 |
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